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 United States Business Directory
Griffin Hill

881 W State St Ste 140 #522, Pleasant Grove, Utah, 84062, United States

Phone: 801-225-7000

Email Griffin Hill

About Griffin Hill

Established January 2023

Griffin Hill helped organizations to find, acquire, and retain more customers. Griffin Hill is a sales and leadership skills company that helps sales and management come together with a powerful systematic process. Our training teaches both goal setting, sales methodology and philosophy. We help our clients take control of the sales process and significantly increase sales revenue. We teach both the philosophy and habits of relationship building and the metrics of the sales process itself within a very specific and measurable framework. Finally, management and the sales force have a way to measure true daily productivity instead of simply looking at the end-of-the-month results which are sometimes misleading and most often too late! This is truly a working technology for human achievement.

Specializing in:

sales methodology, sales technology, iLasso, CRM, sales analytics, sales metrics, sales plays, sales coaching, sales process

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