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End of the Year Reflection

By Olive Mae Clothing

04/02/2015 New Year’s is right around the corner! Toward the end of the year, I always like to look back and think of all the wonderful and awesome things that have happened.
family selfie
The start of 2014 was crazy! We were in the middle of a busy shipping season at the shop and then Samuel was born. It’s been so amazing to watch him grow and learn, and it brings joy to my heart to watch Olivia and Christian fall in love with their new little brother! Christian has really taken on the role of a loving big brother, and Olivia loves looking out for her new baby brother.
new born samuel
samuel baptized
It was such a sweet and wonderful time, but I ended up taking on too much and felt a responsibility to keep everyone happy. I felt like I kind of lost myself for a few months during that time, but my friends and family helped reassure me that what I was feeling was totally normal. When I took a few moments to step back and really focus on what was important to me, it helped me feel like I was getting my life back on track! It still gets hard. Some days I feel like super mom, but other days, I feel like I drowning. Now I understand why my mom was always yelling and running late, and I only have three children and my mom had five!
photo of samuel in hotel
back to dance
The kids are growing up so fast! I can’t believe Christian turned 8 this year. It’s been a little hard on me to see that he’s not my little baby boy anymore. But he’s growing into such a sweet, responsible boy that he always warms my heart. Olivia is also growing up so fast but she is still my sweet little girl. We love playing dress up and having her try on all the new dresses I make. She’s my little baby doll and I always cherish these moments. She’s struggled a little with being the middle child, but I can relate. I was the middle child too, so I know what she’s going through. But then again, she is the only little girl in the house! So she has that going for her. I’m also so happy that I’ve been able to nurse Samuel for a whole year! The other kids were never good nursers, so it’s been such a blessing that Samuel is. I just don’t think that I’ll ever be able to give up these cuddles!
soccer pic
baseball pic
2014 was a wonderful year for my little family, and it was also a great year for Olive Mae. We settled into our new workspace in Downtown Plano during the spring. That was great enough, and then we were also able to expand the store into a second space next door, which was a huge blessing. We were also able to hire three new employees, which is super exciting for a small brand like this one. One day, I hope I can employee lots of women. It’s also been so much fun to see little girls out and about wearing some of my designs. That never gets old!
photo of samuel at new factory
Looking ahead to 2015, I always set a goal for myself for the year, and this year I thought I would get Olivia and Christian in on the fun. It’s very important to me that my family always has a servant’s heart. I want my kids to grow up knowing that it’s better to help others than to help yourself, so this year I want to lead by example as we explore this goal together. I want to teach Olivia and Christian that the feeling of giving back and helping others is one of the most important things we can do.
pumpkin patch pic
school photo 3
In 2015, I also want us all to start eating better, which shouldn’t be hard since Olivia decided she is now a vegetarian! We’ve also been talking about making some fun trips this year, and we’re planning to go visit my friends in Washington, D.C.! I think that would be a great trip for me and the kids.
photo of family
may crowning
What are some your favorite memories from 2014? Or what are you looking forward to in 2015? Comment below or head over to my Facebook page and tell me there!
Happy New Year from everyone at Olive Mae and the Gutierrez family!
july 4th

About This Author

Olive Mae Clothing

Olive Mae Clothing

Located in Plano, Texas, Olive Mae Clothing was launched in 2014 and is the brainchild of Lacy Gutierrez, a lifelong clothing designer, seamstress and budding entrepreneur. A busy working mom with three small children of her own, Lacy began with the vision of creating a little girl’s d…

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