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2 companies in Houston

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Allergist - Texas - Houston

2 more results for Allergist in Houston, Texas

Houston Sinus and Allergy

Houston, Texas, United States
Houston Sinus and Allergy
Houston Sinus and Allergy was established to help patients who are frustrated with their sinus and allergy symptoms. We specialize in the comprehensive management of allergy and sinus related disorders utilizing the latest non-surgical and surgical methods. We are committed to helping you find long …

Dr. Philip A. Matorin MD

Houston, Texas, United States
Philip A. Matorin, MD, is a highly trained otolaryngology and ENT specialist providing the latest medical and surgical treatment options for disorders of the ears, nose, and throat in both adults and children. He has a special interest in allergy, sinus, snoring, and sleep disorders.He’s a strong …
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