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Biohazard - California

2 more results for Biohazard in California

USA Hazmat

Anaheim, California, United States
USA Hazmat is a full service hazardous waste management company that operates nationwide. We specialize in hazardous waste disposal, hazardous waste transportation, certified product disposal, industrial cleaning, medical waste disposal, e-waste disposal, and lab pack services. Our 24-hour live emer…
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Bio-One of Yuba-Sutter

Yuba City, California, United States
Bio-One of Yuba-Sutter
Bio-One of Yuba-Sutter is a leader in crime scene cleanup and biohazard decontamination services in Yuba-Sutter for a reason. The scenes we remediate can be overwhelming and dangerous. We are trained, experienced, and here for you. Contact us anytime, day or night. We answer the call 24/7…