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iPad repairs

9 more results for iPad repairs

Device Pitstop of Maple Grove

Maple Grove, Minnesota, United States
Device Pitstop of Maple Grove
Device Pitstop of Maple Grove is your local one stop personal device store, that offers the most choices for all of your computer and cell phone needs. We provide computer and cell phone repair services and we sell certified pre-owned devices for about half the price of new including Apple Macbooks,…

Fix Iphone Screen

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
The smartphone is today the most widespread electronic device which is available practically at each person. But nobody is insured from a situation when your device suddenly falls in a pool, a washstand or a bowl with liquid. It is possible to be upset about it as much as necessary, but it is be…
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TCR: Triangle Cellular Repair

Durham, North Carolina, United States
TCR: Triangle Cellular Repair
TCR: Triangle Cellular Repair is the leading cell phone repair store in the Triangle with 5 locations in Raleigh, Durham, and Chapel Hill, NC.We'll fix your Apple iPhone, iPad and iPod, Samsung Galaxy and Note, LG or Motorola phone or Google Android mobile device. Most repairs are under 15 minutes a…

TCR: Triangle Cellular Repair

Chapel Hill, North Carolina, United States
TCR: Triangle Cellular Repair
TCR: Triangle Cellular Repair is the leading cell phone repair store in the Triangle with 5 locations in Raleigh, Durham, and Chapel Hill, NC.We'll fix your Apple iPhone, iPad and iPod, Samsung Galaxy and Note, LG or Motorola phone or Google Android mobile device. Most repairs are under 15 minutes a…

TCR: Triangle Cellular Repair

Raleigh, North Carolina, United States
TCR: Triangle Cellular Repair
TCR: Triangle Cellular Repair is the leading cell phone repair store in the Triangle with 5 locations in Raleigh, Durham, and Chapel Hill, NC.We'll fix your Apple iPhone, iPad and iPod, Samsung Galaxy and Note, LG or Motorola phone or Google Android mobile device. Most repairs are under 15 minutes a…

TCR: Triangle Cellular Repair

Durham, North Carolina, United States
TCR: Triangle Cellular Repair
TCR: Triangle Cellular Repair is the leading cell phone repair store in the Triangle with 5 locations in Raleigh, Durham, and Chapel Hill, NC.We'll fix your Apple iPhone, iPad and iPod, Samsung Galaxy and Note, LG or Motorola phone or Google Android mobile device. Most repairs are under 15 minutes a…

Computer Repair Near Me

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Computer Repair Near Me
Despite a huge number of portable technology in the modern electronic market, desktop computers still take the places of honor in our houses. But, though they are exposed to mechanical damages less often than laptops, from their failure nobody is insured.The system of cooling, hard drive, the vid…
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Iphone Repair Philadelphia

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Iphone Repair Philadelphia
iPhone 6s represents the modern hi-tech means for mobile communication. The Apple company released this smartphone for broad use, however despite the performed laborious work, after all it is impossible to call the electronic device iPhone 6s invulnerable.The principal lack of iPhone 6s (as well …
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TCR: Triangle Cellular Repair

Raleigh, North Carolina, United States
TCR: Triangle Cellular Repair
TCR: Triangle Cellular Repair is the leading cell phone repair store in the Triangle with 5 locations in Raleigh, Durham, and Chapel Hill, NC.We'll fix your Apple iPhone, iPad and iPod, Samsung Galaxy and Note, LG or Motorola phone or Google Android mobile device. Most repairs are under 15 minutes a…