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Medical Waste

4 more results for Medical Waste

Blue Ridge Environmental

Bristol, Tennessee, United States
Medical Waste, Purge Shredding Services In Bristol, TN…

MedCycle LLC

Houston, Texas, United States
MedCycle is a full service biohazard waste disposal company, providing safe and cost effective management of regulated biomedical and hazardous waste. We pride ourselves on our excellent customer service. We value our clients and will do everything possible to meet your needs.Whether your business h…

Red Bags

Island Park, New York, United States
Medical waste disposal services for New York and Florida. We provide scheduled service and on call services that include RMW, Trace chemo, pharmaceutical waste, dental waste, paper shredding…

TriHaz Solutions

Huntsville, Alabama, United States
TriHaz Solutions provides full service medical waste collection, treatment, and disposal services. We offer custom waste solutions for healthcare and industry in Alabama, Tennessee, and the Southeast. Our services include pharmaceutical waste and hazardous waste management, secure document destructi…