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Murder Defense

3 more results for Murder Defense


Chicago, Illinois, United States
DRD Law, LLC is located in Chicago, IL and is dedicated to providing quality services in the following practice areas: Murder Defense Attorney Chicago IL, Felony Defense Attorney Chicago IL, Criminal Defense Attorney Chicago IL, Sexual Assault Lawyer Chicago IL, Rape Victim Lawyer Chicago IL, Domest…

Lustberg Law Offices LLC

Hackensack, New Jersey, United States
Whether you have been charged with a criminal offense or you are aware you're the subject of an investigation, you need a criminal defense lawyer. Hackensack criminal defense attorney Adam M. Lustberg doesn't consider that there are small criminal charges. Even a misdemeanor in the state of New Jers…
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Tucker Law Firm, LLC

Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Tucker Law Firm, LLC is located in Atlanta, GA and is dedicated to providing quality services of DUI Case Lawyer Atlanta GA, Aggravated Assault Case Law Attorney Atlanta GA, Aggravated Assault Offense Lawyer Atlanta GA, Drug Case Law Attorney Atlanta GA, Drug Offense Lawyer Atlanta GA. Call us today…