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4 more results for Prolotherapy

Well Life Family Medicine

Amarillo, Texas, United States
Well Life Family Medicine
As a primary care medical practice, we offer treatment of both acute and chronic conditions while emphasizing prevention, education and optimal health. Our best of both worlds approach provides patients with options in the management of their concerns while addressing the underlying cause of their i…

Dr. Shawn Stipich

Plano, Texas, United States
Dr. Shawn Stipich is a chiropractor who has specialty in pain management. He is a former WWE/WCW professional wrestler (Shawn Stasiak), and he can help patients with chronic pain such as from migraines, neck pain, fibromyalgia, slipped discs, bulging discs, and other symptoms of chronic pain…

Ellman Rehab

Dallas, Texas, United States
Ellman Rehab
Michael Ellman is a triple board certified physiatrist who specializes in PM&R, Pain Medicine and Electrodiagnostic Medicine. He is an expert in the field of non-surgical spine care, orthopedic medicine, rehabilitation, and EMG's. Dr. Ellman's knowledge and experience provides comprehensive trea…

Northwest Regenerative Orthopedics

Portland, Oregon, United States
Northwest Regenerative Orthopedics
Prolotherapy in Portland, OR…
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