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Scar Camouflage - California

2 more results for Scar Camouflage in California

Kathleen Nelson Permanent Makeup

Los Gatos, California, United States
Kathleen Nelson Permanent Makeup
With over 40 years of experience as a registered nurse in the state of California, Kathleen Nelson is a professionally trained permanent cosmetic technician and a licensed body art practitioner.She is highly qualified to perform permanent cosmetic procedures involving eyebrow microblading, fashion b…

Ruth Swissa Permanent Makeup and Skin

Beverly Hills, California, United States
Ruth Swissa Permanent Makeup and Skin
Ruth also works extensively with plastic surgeons, who refer patients to her for medical micropigmentation procedures such as areola re-pigmentation (the area surrounding the nipple of the breast), scar camouflage, and vitiligo treatment. She is especially gratified by her work with breast cancer su…