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2 companies in White Plains

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2 more results for Sports Medicine Surgery in White Plains, New York

Dr. Michael A. Gott

White Plains, New York, United States
Dr. Michael A. Gott
Dr. Michael A. Gott is an orthopedic surgeon specialized in treating traumatic and sports related injuries of the shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee, and ankles, as well as arthritic conditions. Dr. Gott completed his Orthopedic Surgery Residency at Northshore/Long Island Jewish Hospital System, comp…

Dr. Rick Weinstein, MD, MBA

White Plains, New York, United States
Dr. Rick Weinstein, MD, MBA
Dr. Rick Weinstein is a board certified orthopedic surgeon specializing in sports medicine to help “keep active people active”. He has subspecialty training in knee and shoulder surgery, including minimally invasive surgery and arthroscopy. He focuses on conservative, non-operative treatments fo…