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unarmed guards - Texas

3 more results for unarmed guards in Texas

Guards On Call of Austin

Austin, Texas, United States
Guards On Call is a top-rated Austin TX security guard company. Guards On Call will meet your Austin security guard needs and make sure that you connect with guard services staff who care. We offer armed security guards and unarmed guards), construction sites, parking lots, private security, and mob…

Guards on Call

Houston, Texas, United States
Formed in 2015, Guards On Call provides outstanding security services by maintaining a pro-active, community-based approach in identifying crime threats and reducing crime risks. We understand the needs of our clients and created our 3 pillars of security:1. Always answer the call - You will always …

Guards On Call of San Antonio

San Antonio, Texas, United States
Formed in 2015, Guards On Call provides outstanding security services by maintaining a proactive, community-based approach to identifying crime threats and reducing crime risks. We understand the needs of our clients and created our three pillars of security:1. Always answer the call - You will alwa…
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