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2 companies in Los Angeles

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2 more results for workplace harassment in Los Angeles, California

Leichter Law Firm, APC

Los Angeles, California, United States
Leichter Law Firm, APC
Leichter Law Firm, APC is a Los Angeles employment law firm representing workers in lawsuits against employers. Typical cases include Employment Discrimination, Pregnancy Discrimination, Disability, FMLA, CFRA, Overtime Misclassification, Sexual Harassment, and failure to provide benefits like medic…

The Kaufman Law Firm

Los Angeles, California, United States
The Kaufman Law Firm
Over the years, the Kaufman Law Firm has taken an aggressive and comprehensive approach. It has been a successful formula that has helped workers recover the maximum settlement. Whether it is in the courtroom or behind the scenes, you can always count on the Los Angeles wrongful termination attorney…